Customer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Personal Account FAQs
Claims FAQs
Additional Resources
Cancellation FAQ’s due to the recent financial restructuring plan, please CLICK HERE
Can I make my payment to FedNat, Monarch National or Maison online?
Yes, you can. If you already have an account, visit our Submit a Payment page, which will take you directly to our payment portal. If you need to create an account, go to Manage My Account to complete the registration process. Once you do that, you can submit your payment and access your policy.
Paying through your bank account is a free service. If you choose to use a credit card, you will incur an additional 2.75% convenience fee charged by the payment processor.
How can I get a copy of my declaration page?
Contact your agent or call our underwriting department directly at 800-293-2532. You can also login into your account to access your information and print a copy of your policy. If you don’t yet have an account, you can create one. Visit our Manage My Account page to get started.
How can I make changes to my policy?
Contact your agent directly. Your agent’s name and phone number are listed on your declaration page.
When will I receive my renewal offer?
Renewal offers are generated 45 days prior to the expiration date of the policy.
Is there a grace period for paying renewals?
If the renewal payment is being made by you, the insured, there is a 30-day grace period from the date of renewal. If the insurance is escrowed by the mortgage company, the mortgage company has a 90-day grace period from the date of renewal.
Are payment plans offered?
Yes, quarterly and semi-annual payments are accepted.
Is outside financing available?
Yes, please contact your agent for details.
How can I cancel my policy?
Provide a signed, written request to FedNat. If you are backdating the cancellation, proof of duplicate coverage or a settlement statement is required.
Can I elect to go paperless?
Yes, you can. In fact, we encourage it. Simply login to Manage My Account, find the go paperless option and start saving.
How do I report a claim?
You can call our claims team at 800-293-2532 or file one online. Our experienced, knowledgeable staff is ready to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
We can connect you with a reputable contractor to assist with any emergency needs you may have. Then, once you have the loss under control, you can make an informed and well-reasoned decision as to how you wish to proceed to ensure that your home is brought back to its pre-loss condition.
What should I do in the event of a loss?
File your claim as soon as possible. Filing your claim early allows our experienced adjusters to assess your damages and ensure your home doesn’t experience further damage. You can report your claim by phone at 800-293-2532 or online.
Protect your property against further damage. If it is safe to do so, make temporary repairs and keep receipts for any repairs to be considered for reimbursement. Please do not make permanent repairs until the adjuster has had a chance to inspect the damage. Take pictures of the damaged property before beginning. If water damage of any kind has occurred, the first step is to stop the flow of water and dry out your home.
If you have a water loss, we can connect you with a reputable water extraction company to assess moisture levels and dry out your home. Our extensive network of preferred contractors are experts in their field, licensed and bonded, and they have the proper equipment and experience to detect unseen moisture levels to completely dry out your home. You can find one on our site.
Take photographs of the damage. Our field adjuster will take photographs during the inspection of your damaged property. However, any photographs you take are beneficial as they may help the internal adjuster assess the extent of damage. It is also a good practice to keep your own records of the damage.
Do not discard damaged property. Our adjusters need to examine all damaged property to fully estimate your loss.
In the event of a theft, notify the police. Make an official report with the police of all of your stolen items.
Keep receipts. Use them to record and track any expenses you incur in relation to the loss that you’ll want to be considered for reimbursement by your assigned adjuster.
Make a list of personal property that was damaged. A detailed list will help make sure nothing is overlooked. If possible, include the manufacturer, model numbers, and place and date of purchase of your damaged property.
If I filed a claim and need emergency services, who should I call?
Call our claims team at 800-293-2532 or file one online. Our experienced, knowledgeable staff is available to help when you need us.
During the process of reporting your claim, our First Notice of Loss agent will assess the need for emergency services. If needed, our agent can connect you with one of our preferred contractors so they can begin emergency services.
Our extensive network of preferred contractors are experts in their field, licensed and bonded, and they have the proper equipment and experience to detect unseen moisture levels to completely dry out your home. You can find one now.
If, after your initial reporting of the claim, you discover you need emergency services, please refer to our list of preferred contractors for help.
How do I know if I need emergency services?
There are various types of emergency services we may assist with including, but not limited to, boarding up openings to your home caused by a theft or burglary, smoke or soot remediation caused by a fire, and water extraction services.
Every situation is different, and the need for emergency services will vary. Our experienced staff will assist you with making this determination. Beginning when you report the claim, our First Notice of Loss agents will ask questions relating to your loss and damages. Based on the type of loss and the extent of damages, if there is a possibility that emergency services are needed, we can connect you with one of our preferred contractors.
Early identification and mitigation of your damages can greatly affect the extent of damage you ultimately experience. It is especially important that water damage is identified as soon as possible and water extraction is completed immediately. The extent of damage may be difficult or impossible to visibly see because it’s hidden within walls and flooring. Our extensive network of preferred contractors are experts in their field, licensed and bonded, and have the proper equipment and experience to detect unseen moisture levels and completely dry out your home.
What happens after my claim is filed?
In most cases, an internal desk adjuster and field adjuster will be assigned to handle your claim. Both adjusters will contact you after assignment to discuss their respective portions of handling. Once the inspection is completed and submitted by the field adjuster, your assigned internal desk adjuster will contact you to discuss the pertinent details of your claim and potential payment. For any claim specific questions, you may have, please contact your internal desk adjuster directly or our customer service department.
How do I know if my damages are covered?
No two losses are the same. Each loss, no matter how small or large, needs to be fairly and accurately examined. Your assigned field and internal desk adjuster will work together to assess your damages, identify the cause of your loss, and determine if the loss is covered under your policy. Please contact your internal desk adjuster or our customer service department for any claims questions.
When can I begin my repairs?
Only you can authorize repairs to your home. We recommend that you begin repairs once we provide you with a coverage determination and estimate. This helps ensure you do not incur unexpected out-of-pocket expenses. When hiring any contractors, please make sure to thoroughly read all contracts and have a clear understanding of all the language and provisions prior to signing anything. Some documents you may be asked to sign, such as an Assignment of Benefits, affect your rights and could potentially transfer your rights under your insurance policy to another party.
What should I do if the estimate I received from my contractor is higher than the settlement amount provided by FedNat?
Contact your assigned internal adjuster before your contractor begins the work, and submit the contractor’s estimate for the adjuster’s review. The adjuster will review your contractor’s estimate to determine if any additional payments are warranted and may request a re-inspection of your damaged property. We will work with your contractor to ensure your home is repaired to its pre-loss condition.
What is an Assignment of Benefits (AOB)?
An Assignment of Benefits (AOB) is a contract between you and a contractor (such as a plumber, water remediation firm, roofer, etc.) where you give the contractor control of your claims benefits. They file a claim for their services and direct the insurance company to pay them directly.
Once you sign an AOB, you lose control of the direction of your claim. The contractor takes control, and can submit whatever they like to your insurance company, sometimes billing the company two, three, four, five times going market rate for their services, and sometimes including work that was never performed. You don’t see this, and you can’t verify what they did.
Learn more on our AOB page .
At FedNat, we provide as much help information as we possibly can. But, unfortunately, we don’t have all the answers. Below are some links you may find helpful. However, if you ever can’t find the answers you need, please contact us and allow us to assist you.
Florida Office of Insurance Regulation
Demotech, Inc.
National Weather Service
Homeland Security Hurricane Site
PCI Hurricane Guide